
 Thomas G. C. McLaughlin

Mr. McLaughlin has been a tireless advocate on behalf of his clients since 2005. For the first twelve years, Mr. McLaughlin worked under some of the most successful attorneys in California, including a board certified Civil Trial Advocacy specialist; a managing partner who went on to become a federal judge; and, two of the most successful elder abuse attorneys in the nation. Having learned from the best, Mr. McLaughlin formed his own law firm in 2017 to focus exclusively on representing consumers victimized by corporations.


Mr. McLaughlin received his undergraduate degree with honors from California State University, Fresno, where he earned a double major in less than 4 years (Philosophy; Economics), and during which time he was elected to the student body government where he served on the finance committee. After scoring in the 99th percentile on his law school admissions exam, he attended the University of Chicago Law School where he studied under some of the most sought after professors in the country. While in law school, Mr. McLaughlin competed in and won the 2003 Manne Moot Court Competition for Law & Economics.


After law school, Mr. McLaughlin passed the bar exam and proceeded to gain substantial litigation and trial experience handling a variety of business matters involving contractual disputes, property rights, and bankruptcy matters including adversary proceedings in federal court. During this time, Mr. McLaughlin began to take on more and more personal injury cases, and eventually found his passion when he began representing victims of elder abuse. However, with young children at home, he opted to step away from the frenetic pace of trial work when an international bank reached out and offered him an in-house position as a Vice President drafting and negotiating commercial loans exceeding $15 million. 

As it turned out, his time at the bank - and particularly his significant experience analyzing complex corporate structures - would prove exceptionally valuable when representing individuals against large corporations. Indeed, in 2017 Mr. McLaughlin opened his own firm and soon thereafter represented plaintiffs in the largest known elder abuse verdict in history. 

Subsequently, Mr. McLaughlin’s unique blend of litigation, financial, and technological skills led him to opening Metascope Analytics, Inc., a data analytics company designed to help people with electronic discovery of health records and analysis of “big data.” As such, Mr. McLaughlin has since become a court-recognized expert in obtaining electronic medical records.


Mr. McLaughlin recently represented clients in an 8-week elder abuse jury trial for plaintiffs resulting in a verdict of $42.5 million (Lovenstein v. Eskaton, et al., Sacramento County, Case No. 34-2012-00135467 [Verdict April 22, 2019]). In addition, Mr. McLaughlin has helped obtain numerous multi-million dollar settlements on behalf of clients. His success extends to the appellate courts, where he helped his clients prevail in a published decision confirming that elder abuse victims cannot waive their statutory right to recover attorney fees and costs [Bickel v. Sunrise Assisted Living (2012) 206 Cal.App.4th 1].

Other examples of the results Mr. McLaughlin has delivered include:

  • Oversaw the electronic discovery and corporate case in a multi-party case resulting in an 8-figure settlement for the plaintiffs 

  • Negotiated and documented over $250 million in commercial transactions

  • Represented an international consulting firm in negotiations for consulting services with a foreign government resulting in an initial six-figure deal

  • Successfully representing a secured lender in a Chapter 11 bankruptcy case involving over $80 million exposure and real estate collateral

  • Securing a substantial recovery for a lender in a Chapter 11 bankruptcy case involving over $10 million in exposure against a debtor represented by a large national law firm